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Azienda Agricola Giol is located in the heart of San Polo di Piave, 35 km from Venice (Veneto) and is Italy's oldest prosecco house (1427). The trademark of this winery is the now uninhabited castle Giol. Here in the cellars, under the watchful eye of the young Venetian winemaker Vittorio Carraro, the wines are ripening, behind meters of thick walls and therefore at a constant temperature. The recent history of the castle and the wine cellars goes back to the events around 2 families: first the Papadopoli family and later the Giol family. The Count Papadopoli, a Venetian banker, used the castle as his summer residence and left Venice during those months to oversee harvesting on his infinite estate. In 1923 the family sold the huge estate with more than 60 annexed farms and the castle to commander Giovanni Giol. He had just returned from South America after a very successful emigration period. He moved into the castle and continued the work of the count. While maintaining the structure and the old wine cellars, he built a second barrel room, still known for its size and charm. After the contributions of the next three generations, the entire complex is in excellent condition and there is a winery where great wines are produced. All made from organic grapes, vegan, sometimes also without added sulfur and with relatively low alcohol percentages.

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